What is Graphic Silkscreening?
Buckeye Anodizing uses a new technique that produces screen-printed effects on anodized aluminum with a specially formulated printing ink, containing dyestuffs that are impregnated directly into the surface of anodized aluminum. Buckeye combines the physical properties of anodized aluminum with the special printing pastes to produce anything from simple one-color printed labels to intricate, multi-colored nameplates, logos and graphics for baseball bats.
Buckeye then coats the baseball bats with a clear seal making the bat's design indestructible.
The color and detail produced by this process is:
- Permanent
- Abrasion resistant
- No chipping or marring
- Wear resistant
- No fading or rusting
- Surface color compatible
- Light fast
We believe this method produces superior results. While pad printing and silkscreening lays on the surface on the anodized part, our dye is impregnated into the metal as part of the anodizing process. The result is more durable and aesthetically appealing than pad and screen printing and will not alter any surface dimension. Our silkscreen process delivers a full spectrum of colors that plain laser etch cannot match.